Has anyone ever rejected prayer?
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1 Peter 5:8-9 says, “Be alert & of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”


WE ALL NEED PRAYER! Have you ever asked someone if you could pray for them and they said no? That can feel disheartening. The truth is EVERYONE needs prayer… all the time!


In this scripture, we’re encouraged to stay alert & sober minded. We’re encouraged in Romans 12 to let God also transform our thinking. And we’re also told in 2 Timothy 1 that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. What is the significance in this? Our thoughts can remind us of our PAIN or of our PROMISES in Jesus!


The enemy uses an incredible tactic against us: when we see our troubles & allow worry to cloud of vision, we don’t remember the character of God and who He is. Our situation shrinks in comparison to how great of a God we have!

So when we see the enemy working in our lives or someone else’s life, when we hear about a tragedy or painful situation… we should stop and PRAY!

We know that the enemy will use every tactic to steal, kill and destroy as John 10:10 reminds. So today, be encouraged that you are called to PRAY for everyone you meet, people who come to mind, your own family & friends, and those of our brothers & sisters in the church. 


Here’s an acronym to remember as you pray for others!

P- Praise God for who He is

R- Repent from any way the enemy has an open door

A- Ask! Bring your requests to God

Y- Yield… listen for his voice


-Pastor Kimy

Let us pray for you! Submit your prayer requests in our new App or at llcf.org/prayer under the "Requests" button!


Join our weekly Thursday 8-8:30 AM Zoom prayer call HERE



  1. PHILIPPINES MISSION TEAM | For traveling mercies for our missions team who arrived safely; Pastors Sean, Alberto Guerrero, and Isaí Ruiz, Omauri Smith, Ian Hauser, and Mike Galstaun. Keep them in prayer and consider giving a special offering to help cover all expenses for their mission! Click here to give.
  2. SPIRITUAL GROWTH | As our church keeps growing this summer join us in prayer that all who are new to following Jesus would grow in their faith this summer! We've had 83 baptisms and more than 300 first time guest who filled out a visitor card!


  1. Nicky Kelly | Jennie Dorsch (sister) - Needs to move asap due to the sale of her homeowner's home. She can only afford $1500/month, is older living on social security in California, and working part-time to make ends meet. Pray that God will provide a safe, secure place that's within her work area before the end of August.
  2. Melissa Whitecotton | Please pray that the bonds of addiction to drugs and alcohol happening with several members of my family/extended family be broken - thank you and God Bless you all for your kindness and support.
  3. Travis Martin | Would you please pray for a plan and a higher purpose for me today.
  4. Jessika Lizarraga | I would like prayer for my severe anxiety disorder. And also, please pray for my sister not to relapse after rehab. Please pray she's in a good place in Ensenada Mx.
  5. Michael C | Stress, anxiety, eyes
  6. Sam Tomasello | My finances, health and important my walk with Christ.
  7. Joreese Jackson | To cure my brother's mom's cancer
  8. Steve Taimi | Please for pray for my family and I.
  9. Joji Silo | Please keep praying for the Philippines mission venues: our LLCF-JOB Camarines Sur, Quezon Province, and Metro Manila, total 29 churches now. To be strong no matter what strong spiritual typhoons they encounter and that the LLCF team will speak empowerment to the Filipinos!
  10. Ronald Delaney | I had some AFIB episodes this week and was referred to a Cardiologist by my doctor. Pray that my heart is healthy
  11. Richard Nelson | My daughter's name is Alysha, from an amazing hair designer at a young age, to graduate second in her class to be a surgical tech. Last but not least to be a small young lady driving a 18 wheelers across country. But now her body is being attacked. On a pain scale 1 to 10, the is off the scale 24/7.Most of the time she can barely use her hands or walk.
  12. Christina Rendon | Please pray for my kids Aleena -just had a baby and she is struggling with her relationship with boyfriend (not the father) he is demanding attention, and she is so overwhelmed. My son Andrew - just graduated high-school but has social anxiety, he gets nervous in New situations even if they are good. My daughter Alyssa - is very negative, she is struggling to find herself and sees the bad in everything I am asking for prayers for my relationship with all 3 kids. I pray for wisdom as a parent and strength to guide them to Jesus, I pray they get to know God and can have a close relationship with our Lord.
  13. Dylan Carter | Good afternoon, thank you so much for the opportunity to forward a prayer request. I would like to pray over my brother safety and drug use. He's homeless out in another city state alone and seeing and hearing what he goes through definitely hurts. I pray for his guidance, safety, and sanity every day.
  14. Cordelia Burson | To follow Jesus fully and give me true direction.
  15. Maria Vasquez | Spouse and I on SSI, in our seventies, have been displaced and living in a garage.We're praying for a financial miracle to be able to get our own home. In JESUS name AMEN.
  16. Christina Jaramillo | Prayer for financial breakthrough, for a uniting of our family in Christ, so we pray together, eat together, and laugh together ❤️ prayers over my husband, over our marriage, and both of our businesses.
  17. Crystian Trice | Good morning, I pray that God provides a steady roof over my head soon and money to help with my bills.
  18. Tammy Marler | Please pray for my daughter Misha. She is having a major infection in her only hearing ear. Please pray for Bryan, my girls' father. He is stage 4 cancer and will be traveling to Alabama to say his goodbye's to his siblings. Praying for a safe trip.
  19. Jade McMillen | I am not happy at my current job at a popular coffee chain. The schedule doesn't line up with being able to go to church groups, the company has some worldly views, my new boss is making everyone miserable, and I don't make very much money. Plus I work with my allergens and it aggravates my carpal tunnel. Please pray for my boss's heart and that God gives me a better job opportunity. I don't care to be rich; I just want to support basic needs and not feel awful where I'm at.
  20. Tamara Shearer | Pray for my granddaughter, her 2 toddlers & husband. She is into witchcraft
  21. Steven Watson | I pray that I am able to get funding to get my special needs transportation business going if it's in GOD's will.
  22. Jorge Carbajal | The unity of my family.
  23. Jennie Dorsch | That I find a place to live. Also, for my daughter-in-law Carrie who is suffering from depression and is drinking and angry which is causing conflict in marriage and with children. For my grandson Henry who 12 years old who is depressed and talking about self-harm. These are priorities. Thank you ♥️
  24. Bridget Hughes | My son loss his grandmother 2 days ago and isn't doing so well. He doesn't want to talk and I'm learning to respect his wishes not to speak to me, it's hard.
  25. Cassandra Overa | Financial Stability
  26. Teresa Darden | I am asking for God to heal Louis and break the bondage of his addiction to alcohol.
  1. Teresa Darden | God has been faithful in guiding my family through emotionally difficult times. I am grateful for all who prayed for us and encouraged us to keep trusting in our Lord, Christ Jesus.
  2. Cindi Espinoza | My son Carlos got his lab results back and he is anemic and taking iron. PTL.

5951 Downey Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90805

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