We celebrate Light & Life this Saturday!
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Light & Life was built in 1954 during the development era of North Long Beach and neighboring Lakewood. Sent north by another Free Methodist Church that met closer to the Downtown Long Beach area, it has stood for 70 years! Only God could have planned that out of this property, tucked away in North Long Beach, the nations would be blessed and the local community reached with the gospel. 
This Saturday will be a momentous day for our church's history as we come together to celebrate what God has done in the past, what he is doing today, and where we are headed in the future. 
We pray that Light & Life would last at least another 70 years, if the Lord would tarry, and continue to reach, teach, mend, and send. In order to set ourselves up for that future, we've got some remodeling, updating, and building to do! Pray that as we revisit that vision for the church on Saturday, people would be moved to join us in this effort to raise $1,500,000 in the next two years! 
We yearn to see more baptisms, more children discipled, more church planters trained, more youth's lives transformed, more salvations, more people growing in their faith, more families restored, more marriages reconciled, more Jesus! We pray to thrive in 2025. Join us this Saturday for this incredible Gala Night and pray for our next 70 years!
-Pastors Joel & Sean

Join our weekly Thursday 7:30-8:00 AM Zoom prayer call HERE! Want to join the call but the time is difficult? The call will be moving to 7:30 in February!



  1. Philippines Mission Team | Departing Sunday night, pray for pastors Sean and Isai. 
  2. Praise for the safe return of our Chile Missions Team | Pastor Juan Carlos, Nicolas and Helen, and Martha all returned safely after ministering to 70+ pastors and leaders from four different countries in Concepcion, Chile!
  3. Gala Night | This Saturday at 6pm. Pray for God'a abundant joy to shine and for God's people to be excited about the future of our church! Register now above!


  1. Pastor Joel | Pray for our beloved member Josie Fernandez as she awaits transfer to a higher level hospital to treat her ailments. We need doctors and administrators to move with urgency and show her favor, in Jesus' name!
  2. Eric Highsmith | Pastor Doug Cross is retiring after 26 years of being the senior pastor at Alexandria (Virginia) Free Methodist Church. His last Sunday is the end of February. However, after announcing his retirement last year, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His doctor says it is treatable through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, so that's how he will begin his retirement. (Side note: Alexandria FMC's superintendent is JR Rushik, LLCF's youth pastor in the 1990s.)
  3. Celeste Gardiner | I have a friend in an emergency staying with me for a month. Please pray that all works out for her and that we have a blessed time as roomies. Also, that God would bless our sons (who are best friends) to grow in grace as they consider being roommates.

  4. Nicky Kelly | Please pray for Jennie Dorsch, she in ER at Kaiser. She had a terrible fall, broke her ankle, possibility has 2 fractured ribs and will do a C T scan, not sure if they will admit her. Pray for wisdom for doctor and pain relief, healing.

  5. Debra Cobler | Please keep my son and daughter-in-law in your prayers they need some health healing.

  6. Rhonda Hendricks | Praying that God provides a peace for all of mankind.

  7. Al Bacani | My wife got the new job - pray everything works out.

  8. Bridget Hughes | Received a new supervisor and still haven't talk to My son in two years. My son's birthday was January 28. It's been a hard week. Pray for me to have peace.

  9. Michael C | Wisdom teeth taken out can't eat much and well discomfort and swelling.

  10. Glen Upshaw | Please pray for coronary artery disease. I have a hundred percent blockage on my right and am about to have surgery soon. Pray I will get closer to God.

  11. Ruth Zimbron | My prayer continues that Bella would trust God completely and wait on his timing for her mate. She is so hungry to fill a hole and feels unlovable. My prayer is she finds her completeness in Christ.

  12. Nicky Kelly | Jennie Dorsch (sister) - Broke her foot this afternoon and in E.R. - Pray for pain relief, healing and recovery.

  13. Marie Alpuerto-Villareal | Please pray for me as my doctor has told me that there is a defect in my uterus that needs a surgical procedure before we can try having another child. I’m praying for wisdom for whether to get it done or not, as it is only needed if we want another baby. I’m also praying for a successful surgery just in case I end up getting the procedure. Thank you!

  14. Nicky Kelly | Jimmy Aldapa (uncle) - In hospital due to heart attack, pray for wisdom for doctors and healing.

  1. Joy Garcia | Glory to God as many prayers have so graciously been heard and answered.  Such as My husband's mass came back as benign and is recovering from the mass removal.  We are so humbled by the power of prayer...and are grateful for all who pray in faith.  Thank you, Lord and prayer warriors.
  2. Ruth Zimbron | I am thankful Bella had a beautiful time at winter formal. 
  3. Al Bacani | Praise report- my wife got the new job.

5951 Downey Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90805

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