Light & Life was built in 1954 during the development era of North Long Beach and neighboring Lakewood. Sent north by another Free Methodist Church that met closer to the Downtown Long Beach area, it has stood for 70 years! Only God could have planned that out of this property, tucked away in North Long Beach, the nations would be blessed and the local community reached with the gospel.
This Saturday will be a momentous day for our church's history as we come together to celebrate what God has done in the past, what he is doing today, and where we are headed in the future.
We pray that Light & Life would last at least another 70 years, if the Lord would tarry, and continue to reach, teach, mend, and send. In order to set ourselves up for that future, we've got some remodeling, updating, and building to do! Pray that as we revisit that vision for the church on Saturday, people would be moved to join us in this effort to raise $1,500,000 in the next two years!
We yearn to see more baptisms, more children discipled, more church planters trained, more youth's lives transformed, more salvations, more people growing in their faith, more families restored, more marriages reconciled, more Jesus! We pray to thrive in 2025. Join us this Saturday for this incredible Gala Night and pray for our next 70 years!
-Pastors Joel & Sean |